Thursday, February 15, 2007

Living in the Bathroom

Have you ever felt like you lived in the bathroom...really just spent your entire day in there?

I have come up with one reason for everyone to do that at some point in their life (not because they want to, but they don't have much of a choice) and 2 more reasons moms do!

Reason #1 (for everyone) - When you are sick. You don't have much choice!But it will go away eventually and life will return to whatever kind of normal you live.

Reason #2 (this is a mom one) - When you are pregnant (no I am not, so don't get any ideas). It is amazing how such a little person can push so much on your bladder that you are literally going ALL DAY LONG..and all night too! I think that was one of my favorite things after having a baby (besides the baby itself of course) was that I would once again have control of my bladder (well except when I laugh really hard or sometimes when I sneeze...goodness, am I turning into my mother?)

Reason #3 (also for moms) - POTTY TRAINING! Already I have made it through 3 boys (and can I just say here that cleaning their bathroom has got to be the WORST job in the whole house. I honestly don't think they know they are suppose to hit the water...and the smell that seems to be a permamnat fixture in there...oh the joys of being a mom to three boys!).

So, now it is my daughter's turn. We have been trying for a little while now but she hasn't been too interested. It all changed yesterday when she told me she had to go... we ran into the bathroom..and she went! Then she did it again...and again! IT HAS STARTED! THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF MORE-THAN-7-YEARS-WITH-KIDS-IN-DIAPERS! Okay, maybe I am getting a little bit ahead of myself...obviously she isn't potty trained yet, but at least she is training!

But her excited to go potty means spending much of the morning in the bathroom. In fact, about 2 of the 4 hours she was up this morning was spent in the bathroom. This could be in large part to the fact that she had panties on (princess panties...and yes. it matters!) and I did not want to find little puddles on my furniture, carpet, beds, etc. Therefore, about every 5-10 minutes (this might seem extreme, but she drinks a TON and if I waited even a minute or two over she was already wet!) I asked her (very excitedly) if she needed to go potty...she would jump up and we "ran" to the bathroom to go potty. From there we did everything from singing to playing piggy's with her toes to reading books to playing peek-a-boo to you name it, we did it to get her to stay on the potty long enough to go! Fortunately, each time she was on the potty she went quicker than the time before!

So, as happy as I am that she is going, that she is in panties (she only wet about 3 times this morning which is GREAT!), I am SO thankful to have put her in a pull-up and down for a nap. Now maybe I can go more than 5 minutes without looking at a toilet and singing... :)


Anonymous said...

You are WAY more committed to the potty training thing than I ever was. When they have to go that often, it's just so much easier to do the diaper thing. But then we already know that you are a harder worker than I am and that I tend to take the easy way there you go. Another proof of that fact!!
Good for Sarah IS fun when they WANT to go. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a good laugh!!!
Too funny!!! Hey, Jo, see what u have 2 look fwrd 2? hahahahaha
I can't belive it's been 7 yrs of diapersw... wow, no wonder u're excited!!! gotta luv 'em

Stacey said...

I'm so excited for her... and you! She just cracks me up!!

She's a girl... she's a girl :-)

Jodi said...

How exciting. To almost be out of diapers. Do the piggy dance each time she goes. ;)
You are so close. This is your last one. :) Happy for you.