Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Packing like crazy!

We made it! Jon has been home since Friday...we were all SO happy to see him!

Now we are busy getting ready to leave...or move. That is what it feels like!
We have been here in North Carolina for only 4 months, yet it has been long enough to settle in and have much more stuff now then when we came here the end of February...which means much more stuff to pack and go through...

Anyway, so I am now busy getting things packed, some to be shipped (we won't see it for about 6 - 8 weeks), some to be packed in our car carrier (once that carrier closes on Saturday, it will not be opened until we arrive home on the 29th of June!), and the rest to go in the back of the van (hopefully just the necessities so that we can still see out the back window and not get to closterphobic!).

I have a feeling when we pack in about 5 -6 months to head to Southeast Asia I will look back at this and think how easy it was to just pack an apartment with 4 months worth of stuff, verses a house with YEARS of stuff! It is all in your perspective I guess.

So, now, if I can just keep my kids from finding new things to bring in the house, or keep them occupied so that I can acutally get some stuff done (like blogging...it is very important...), we will make it! Only 5 days until we leave, then it is an 11 day trip up through Ohio, Michigan, Colorado, and then HOME! :)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

8 down...3 to go

Isaiah 41:13: "For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you!"

This verse has come to mean a lot to me in the last 8 days. My husband is gone for 11 days total.
While there has been less laundry and I haven't had to cook if I don't feel like it (my kids would eat PB & J for every meal if I let them), it is so much harder without the second part of my team!

It has been everything from my #2 kid getting cars sick on the way to church on Sunday morning, to constant fighting between themselves, to a BIG bike crash (it happened to #1 and he tends to be very dramatic...), it taking double the normal time to get them to bed because there is only one of me to do showeres/baths, brush teeth, pray, scratch backs...to the extra hugs and tears because they miss their daddy.

It has been challenging, but when I think about that verse, and can visualize the Lord not only being there with me, but actually taking my hand and helping me...WOW!
We serve such a great God...He won't leave us alone when we need him.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Happy Birthday Jodi!

Today is my sister's 26th birthday!
Happy Birthday to my dear sister and forever friend!

I love you so much Jodi and I am very proud of you and all you have done.
You have come a long way since making fun of me for wearing a diaper (inside story...not able to share in public...).

Jodi, I love that we are so close, but I hate we live so far away! I am thanful for you and the HUGE part you have played in my life. Thank you for your love for the Lord and others. Thank you for your true servants heart and your listening ear!

I love you so much my sister and hope you have the BEST Birthday Ever today!