Friday, April 28, 2006

My kids!

Andrew... my big helper!
Kaleb...makes us laugh! :)
Kolby...our little man!
Sarah...our tough princess!

These are my four FAVORITE kids in the world! I am so thankful the Lord gave them to me and I get to be their mommy!! :)

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things I did/ did not miss about my family when I was gone

1. I missed kissing them goodnight at bed time.

2. I missed hearing about my oldest son's day at school when he came home.

3. I missed doing my daughters hair in the morning.

4. I missed the laughter that seems to follow them around.

5. I missed sharing dinner with them each night (although I didn't miss hearing , "Do I have to eat that?")

6. I missed having someone to cuddle with at night (my sister just wasn't the same!) :)

7. I missed the crazy jokes my 2nd son makes up and finds hilarious.

8. I missed my oldest learning how to make himself burp (can't say I missed it, just that I missed it, know what I mean??) :)

9. I missed playing outside with them in the afternoon while we wait for daddy to come home!

10. I did not miss having to get 4 kids dressed each morning!

11. I did not miss the whole potty training thing (will it ever end?!)

12. I did not miss waking up in the middle of the night!

13. I missed spending time with the people I love most in the world!!

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

1. Sherry

2. Julie

3. Stacey

(leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Beautiful Bride...Beautiful Day

The wedding was BEAUTIFUL! It was so fun to go back to Ohio...see my "second family", and get to be there for my best friend's wedding!
We enjoyed our time together...although there was never a dull moment! We were busy from the second we set our feet in the house! But we laughed and laughed.

I had met Stacy's husband back in October, but hadn't gotten to know him. This last week I did...he is a funny, crazy guy! I think the two of them are perfect together! In fact, when Stacy first told me about him a few years ago...I told her that I liked him (this is before they were together) and I thought that he was the guy she would marry!! Needless to say, we hit it off! :)

We made many more memories together.
Memories that I will cherish forever.
Stacy is such a special friend and I love that I got to be a part of her special day! The wedding was beautiful (have I mentioned that already?!) :) As we were eating supper (at the reception) I leaned over and asked the two of them if this is what they wanted. Stacy said that it was perfect, a dream come true. What more could you ask for? I am so happy to see my friend so happy, I love her to death, and I miss her even more than before. It was very hard to say goodbye to her. We did so with tears streaming down our faces. It isn't often that God brings a friend like this into your life, so I need to make sure I cherish her and her friendship.

I am praying for you Josh and Stacy as you begin your new life together!
I love you both very much!! :)

Here are some pictures of the wedding, and I will share stories and pics in the coming days
The "girls" at the rehersal
The "girls" on wedding day!
My sister, Jodi, and I with Stacy!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Here comes the Bride...

Josh & Stacy

Today I am leaving my husband and 4 kids to fly to Ohio to be in my best friend from high school's wedding! She gets married on Saturday! I am very excited to go and spend this special time with is sure to be a fun, crazy, and special time!

Stacy...I met her when I was in 10th grade. We have done so many things together...she is one of those people who is really good at getting me to try crazy things I would never even think of without her! Needless to say, we always have a blast together!

We have so many great memories...I even lived with her family for awhile after high school! It would be better to describe her as more of a sister than a friend. It is so neat to look back and see how the Lord brought us togther and how we have been able to stay "forever friends" even through the years.

Stacy, I love you my forever friend! I am so excited for you! See you soon!

Monday, April 17, 2006

7 years!

I remember when I used to think being married for 7 years was a long time!
Wow, now we are there...are we getting old? :)

Today we have been married for 7 years and I have to say that I love Jon more and more with each passing year.

Here are some things that I LOVE about him...

1. He treats me like a queen!

2. He helps me around the house...he even mops and does dishes for me sometimes!

3. I frequently hear him ask if there is something he can do to help me!

4. He likes to go on dates.

5. He is fun to be with.

6. We have known each other for so is great to share alot of the same history, friends, family, etc. (I grew up calling his parents aunt and uncle!)

7. I love having his arms wrap around me.

8. He is the most sensitive man I know.

9. He supports me in everything I do.

10. He loves to spend time with our kids and is the best father EVER!

11. He loves the Lord with his whole heart.

12. We pray together...he normally takes the initiative for that.

13. He is an airplane mechanic and is using his abilities to serve the Lord on the mission awesome is that??! :)

14. When I need a break he is quick to take the kids outside for awhile or something.

15. He pays attention to me.

16. Football is not his favorite sport!!! :)

17. He likes baseball!

18. His eyes are such a pretty blue (I was really hoping our kids would get those baby blues...not one did, they are all brown, just like me!)

19. He likes to talk on the me. :)

20. He loves to help other people.

21. He puts the Lord first in all He does.

22. Before making a big decision he is faithful to pray about it, research it and know about it before hand.

23. He is someone I respect and am proud of.

24. I love him with my whole heart and each day that love grows!

25. I would say this last year was the hardest for us, however, he is so good at making us talk things through (I tend to want to clam up) and get back on the right track. I am so thankful he is willing to take the high road and go "first". :)

26. He is not easily upset (good thing for me!) I have told him that I would much rather be married to him than be married to me!! :)

27. When something stressful comes his way, his first respose is usually what is God doing through this? He has a plan, let's see what it is.

28. He is the spritual leader in our family.

I, of course, could go on and on and on and on.....
But I will stop and just say


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things about Tina
1. I was born in Baker, OR.
2. I have two younger sisters (whom I love and wish lived closer!)
3. I moved 32 times in the 18 years I lived at home...
4. ...No, my dad was not in the military...
5....He was in retail.
6....and my parents were missionaries at a summer camp.
7. That camp is where I met my husband (when I was in 5th grade and he was a senior in high, it wasn't love at first sight!)
8. I also met my sister-in-law there...we grew up and married brothers...(good thing we like each other!)
9. My husband and I have been married for almost 7 years (on Monday!)
10. Our oldest is 6 years old...yes, he was a honeymoon baby! :)
11. We love having 4 kids even though they keep us on our toes all the time...
12....we are done now though...REALLY! (4 kids in 4 1/2 years...that is alot!)
13. We are missionaries getting ready to head overseas the end of this year (more on that in a later post!)
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Quick Update

Grandma Mabel made it through her surgery okay. Thank you for your prayers.
At this time she is still in the hospital and we are waiting to see what the doctor has to say. Although, we have heard it is a possibility that she could go home today!
We really appreciate your prayers regarding this and would love for you to keep praying! Thanks! :)

It is so assuring to know that God is in control of all things...especially at a time like this!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Grandma Mabel

We recieved a call from my brother-in-law earlier to tell that my husband's grandma passed out on the floor earlier today.
They have since taken her to the hospital where they have decided they need to put in a pace maker. Her heart beat is very irregular.
It is expecially hard for us right now because we are so far away in North Carolina and they are in Arizona. We would like to be there with his family during this time...this is a hard part about being missionaries and not able to be there with our family. But we are reminded of Jeremiah 29:11 and that God has a plan. We are praying pray that we will have a peace about his plan and trust Him to know what is going to happen.
We appreciate your prayers for her, the family, and us.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

It's Potty Time!

When I potty trained my first son, I thought I had it all figured out. He started it on his own 3 weeks before he turned 2!
I remember seeing one of those books that are made just for going potty (you read it to the kids as they go or something). i laughed at it thinking...why would someone ever really need this? It is so silly!

Well, I am now one of those silly moms that think those books are great!

We are in the process of potty training our 3 year old son. He is altogether his own person...nothing like his brothers. He has given me a whole new perspective on this potty training thing...

He has known how to go for months now, he just doesn't want to! So, when he turned 3 (2 weeks ago), we made a big deal about 3 year olds and how they are big boys and get to go potty in the big potty. To help him, I bought one of those Potty books called, "It's Time To Go Potty".
It has a little button that sounds like a toilet flushing when you push it. (We have read it so much he has it completely memorized...and so do I!)

You know works! Since we got that and started reading it he has started to get it! Of course, he gets one M&M after he goes and we do a potty dance (that sounds fun, huh?). We have been mostly dry for the last 4 days with a few accidents here and there. So, whether it is the book or the dance or just the right time...I am happy he is getting it figured out.

Hopefully soon, it will just be my daughter in diapers...and she already shows more interest in going than my 3 year old! She loves to sit on the little potty and has even gone a number of times! That has to be good, doesn't it?? ;) After buying diapers for the last 6 1/2 years, the prospect of not having to any more is kind of exhilirating! :)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things about Tina

1. I like spending time with my family.
2. I like pickles, but my husband won't even kiss me after I have had one!
3. I like to go on dates with my husband.
4. I like hearing my oldest son read (it is so exciting to hear him!)
5. I like to eat cake, brownies, cookies...for breakfast (not that I do it...well, not that often anyway)!
6. I like to watch my kids play together, hear them talk about things, and see the world through their eyes.
7. I like to write!
8. I like scrapbooking in my freetime ( I don't have much freetime though...that is probably why I am still on kid #2's book!)
9. I like Amazing Race...I am a TOTAL fan (I have even gotten other people interested in watching it. Someday my sister and I are going to do it...Really!) :)
10. I like to travel...good thing since soon we will be heading halfway around the world to live!
11. I like to listen to my children pray.
12. I like girly things...after having 3 boys, it is time for some pink and purple in this family!
13. I like getting mail! Who doesn't, right??? :)

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
2. Julie
3. Addie
4. Sherry

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday Arika!
One year old today!
Before you know it she will be starting school, reading, riding a bike.
Then she will be driving a car, going on dates, getting married...
Who knows what is in store for little Miss Arika.
But we do know she is so adorable, so loved, and FUN!
Jim & Joy, treasure and enjoy each moment you have with her!
We wish we could be there to help celebrate this special day!
We love you Arika...our favorite neice! :)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

To have bangs or not to have bangs...

My sister (18 months younger than me) once told me that I had to promise to never go without bangs again! I had just finished jr. high (not really a favorite time of anybody) without bangs...I decided to get them cut. That is when she MADE me promise not to go without them again. I promised....

I went back on that promise about 8 months ago. I am so sorry I did! I thought it was a great looks so cute on other people, so why not me, right? I realized in the last week or so that maybe my sister had a point all those years ago, and really my long face has not changed, I still have a high forehead.

So, after 8 months of all the work of growing my bangs out...I got them cut! (Jodi are you glad?!) :) I love it and wonder what I was thinking to go with out them for so long! I think it makes me look younger to have bangs...which brings me to my next topic...

Jon and I are 7 years apart in age (he is older). I have noticed that there is one comment that comes out of EVERYONES mouth (without fail) after they find that out, it is this:

"Oh, I never would have guessed there was that much of an age difference between you two!"

So, my question is this...does that mean they think I look older like him, or that he looks young like me?? Hmmmm......

I think getting my bangs cut was a good idea......

Monday, April 03, 2006

Time Change...

My children experienced something for the first time yesterday!

Living in Arizona (right now we are living in NC for a few months) we are lucky to not have to change time 2 times a year! Therefore, we have never had to explain it to our kids.
Jon and I knew we were loosing an hour of sleep on Saturday night that we would probably never get back...our kids didn't really pay any attention to it...until last night when it was time to go to bed!
It was still very light out! They wanted to go outside and play and COULD NOT understand why they couldn't if it was still light out. When I tried to explain how the rest of the country wants more light at night to do stuff rather than the morning, Andrew (6) thought he should go outside and play, that is what it is for. I said no, it is bed time now.
Andrew: Why is it light out still then?
Me: Because yesterday at this time it was supper but now it isn't, it is an hour later...
Andrew: You mean right now is really supper time not bed time? Where did the hour go?

I felt like we were going in circles to try to explain to him.

Finally, I said...ask your teacher at school tomorrow...she can tell you!
I have learned that teachers know everything, at least more than me, so why not use that to my advantage this time and let her try to get him to understand! :)