Friday, February 16, 2007

A cell the mind of a 7-year-old!

I overheard this one-sided conversation between my oldest son, who was on the cell phone and my next son who was at home:

Andrew: Kaleb, want to hear a secret?
Hold the phone real close to your ear, are you listening?
(at this point I could just imagine him burping really loud...we were at Target)

Then I hear this: HHHHHHHHHHHHH

Andrew: Did you feel that Kaleb?
I will do it again, HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Can you feel it? I am breathing hard! Can you feel my breath?

Who knows what cell phones might do in the future...smells...feel breathing...the sky is the least in a 7-year-olds mind! :)


Stacey said...

That's okay, I can see you through my computer right now while I'm reading this... Just kidding! Can you imagine? I don't want to be able to feel or smell anyone's breath while I'm on the phone with them!!

Too funny!

Anonymous said...

YEA Stacey! I'm w/U.
these guys crack me up!

Anonymous said...

I did hear in Japan that they have scented cell phones and you can buy new scents whenever you want...really. I heard it on the radio, so it must be true.
But "Eau de Andrew's Breath" probably isn't a top seller!