Monday, October 09, 2006

A Four Word Meme

I was tagged by Stacey to do another meme (what does meme mean exactly anyway...?)

She gave me four words and I am suppose to write about the first thing that comes to mind.
Here goes...

Pizza - I used to like it before I got pregnant with my first son and was always ready to eat it. During all 4 of my pregnancies I very much DISLIKED it. Now, pizza is okay sometimes, but I could easily go for something else! My husband and kids really hate that my like for it never came back!

Friendship - Wow, I think of alot of my friendships I have had over the years since I was in Kindergarten (I know a long time ago, but I remember them!) with different people. Some not so good, most of them wonderful! Each of them have taught me something. I am so thankful that the Lord created friendship and for the wonderful friends he has given me. I have friends to laugh with, cry with, be silly with, share my kid woes with, even go to the movies or out to coffee with...thank you to all my dear friends!

Daisy - My wedding...I had red roses and daises. I carried 3 red roses in my bouquet (my husband and I have a special message...123 means I love you).
My girls carried 1 yellow rose with daisies in their hair and my sister (maid of honor) carried yellow roses and daisies! Ahhhhhh...... :)

Grace - Of course I first think of the Amazing Grace that God shows us.
But I also think of my Great Grandma Grace. She lived with us for awhile when I was growing up. She was born in 1906 and at one point played the piano for Dwight L Moody and his revivals! She died on my 16th birthday. :(

Well, there we go. If you would like to participate in this meme, please feel free to do so! It was fun! :)


Anonymous said...

Wow! Funny the things we think of with certain topics ....
love you

Stacey said...

Those were good word associations!

I never knew you had a Great Grandma Grace. We had a Granny Grace in our family. I think she was my Great, Great Grandma though.

Soeaking of friends going to movies, let's get on that : )-

Anonymous said...

i randomly visited your blog tonight and found a (sort of) new post! Keep writing... :)