Sunday, March 26, 2006

Four Kids, No Brain Cells

Where did I ever come up with a name like that? I once heard that for every child you have you lose around 25% of your brain cells. Because I have 4 children that would mean I have basically no brain cells left! For some reason there are people in my familiy who would say this is an accurate statement of me. For example, the other day my sister-in-law was preparing to take food to someone who was having a funeral. What is the first question that pops into my mind? "Did somebody die?" (DUH!) Of course, I didn't actually ask that question, my mistake was in telling that I even thought it! :) Thus...Four Kids, No Brain Cells! :)


Stacey said...

I get to be the first one to post a comment on your new blog!! I'm so glad you finally gave in and started one. You're gonna love it : )

Love you lots!!

Anonymous said...

Fun stuff! I'm always interested in hearing more about what you are up to and what life is like with four kids. :) Two keeps me plenty busy! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Lisa said....
what? I don't have any brain cells? That sure explains a lot ...My kids have used them all up..I'm lucky to function at all. What is a blog anyway? You are the only other friend I know with four kids (so far)...It's nice to be able to relate so ya.

Jodi said...

So happy you got a blog Tina. It will be fun to hear more stories about your kids!! They are so much fun.!! I love the way you tell them. :)

Sherry said...

Tina I can't believe how big the kids are getting. I know by this part of your blog that I am not sure about having any kids when I get married. Love ya guys.